Monday, January 9, 2012

Posting Schedule

The following is the posting schedule I will attempt to adhere to:

- Mailbag Monday: Any interesting correspondence I receive from government agencies, along with my response to any comments left on this blog or the Facebook page.

- History Highlights: Each Tuesday I'll spotlight some little-known project I've discovered through my research (that may or may not pertain to the topic of the book)

- Web Link Wednesday: Every Wednesday I will post a link to a news or technology website regarding something within the broad scope of my research

- Progress Bar: An update regarding the status of the book will be posted each Thursday

- Document Dump: Each Friday I will post a document from my collection (in .pdf format) originally obtained for my earlier research regarding the use of animals in war and espionage

I may, from time to time, post additional random information that does not fall into one of the above stated categories. Again, please feel free to comment on either this blog or the Facebook page. Your input will surely help to inspire and motivate me.

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